
Hi, welcome to Tea With Fi, a space to post some healthy, wholesome recipes.

For as long as I can remember I have absolutely loved food, eating, baking, sharing, you name it. I think I knew food was going to be a feature in my life when a huge lob of butter fell on my arm, as a five year old, and rather than brushing it off I ate it in one big go. Safe to say, apart from having no control when it comes to chocolate or cake I like to think my tastes are slightly towards the healthier side nowadays.

A perfect Sunday for me would be taking the dog out, a cup of tea whilst reading and getting inspired by the dozens of food books I have and then creating something delicious, throw in a glass red for good measure too! There’s nothing I like to do better than put my apron on, whack on some country tunes and get busy cooking in the kitchen!

In the last few years I have loved getting more involved with food events and food community projects. I am a member of the Camden Clandestine Cake club where I was also fortunate to have two of my recipes published in their second cookbook, A Year of Cake. 

Having spent some time living in Vancouver, I fell in love with the focus on a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Weekends were spent hiking, camping, exploring, gigs and eating of course. Living back in London I want to continue making the most of opportunities to be outdoors and be by the sea when I can.  

I have always been a huge lover of stories and storytelling and growing up we were never short of a story or two in our household. I believe food offers opportunities to share stories and make connections, which is so important in life and through Tea with Fi I aim to share those stories with you.

I hope you enjoy.

Fiona x